Leading Learning Audience

Leading Learning @ RevUP

Leading Learning Pre-Event, November 19
RevUP Summit, November 20-21
Annapolis, MD

Join us for the revenue event for association education professionals

More than ever, association continuing education and professional development leaders have to generate strong net revenue from their programming. That’s why we at Leading Learning are collaborating with our colleagues at Professionals for Association Revenue (PAR) to bring a learning business focus to their annual RevUP Summit.

What Are PAR and the RevUP Summit?

PAR is a membership community that supports and connects association teams to the opportunities, strategies, and techniques that lead to better business outcomes for associations.

The RevUP Summit is for association pros who want to improve their association’s bottom line, from C suite to strategic operations to account reps in the field. Tagoras, the parent company of Leading Learning, has sponsored RevUP for the past two years, and we’re sponsoring again this year, in addition to the new-this-year collaboration that we’re calling Leading Learning @ RevUP in Annapolis, MD.

How Are PAR and Leading Learning Collaborating?

There are two components to Leading Learning @ RevUP.

First, Leading Learning is holding a half-day pre-event on November 19 for learning and conversation designed specifically for learning business leaders at associations.
Second, pre-event attendees have the opportunity to register at a discounted rate for the RevUP Summit on November 20 and 21. We’ve worked with PAR to shape and facilitate the RevUP agenda to ensure high relevance for association learning business professionals.

Who Is This For?

Leading Learning @ RevUP is intended for association learning business professionals who have substantial responsibility for revenue generation from their educational events and programming. If you are the leader of an association education or education and events department or have lead responsibility for specific programs or events, you will find both the pre-event and the RevUP Summit highly valuable.

Pre-Event Agenda

The pre-event will feature core content and case studies shared by presenters and panelists, but just as importantly, it will offer a facilitated, dynamic peer learning environment in which you can raise and get input on your revenue challenges. We’ll begin at 12 noon on November 19, end around 5 pm, and enjoy a reception with the larger RevUP group.

Welcome, opening comments, and lunch
“The Learning Business Landscape: Revenue Perspective,” opening keynote (Jeff Cobb & Celisa Steele)
“How You Sell: Business and Selling Models,” peer panel and facilitated discussion (see panelists below)
“What You Sell: Products, Packages, and Positioning,” peer panel and facilitated discussion (see panelists below)
“Leading a Culture of Revenue: The Learning Business Perspective,” closing keynote (Jamie Notter)
Reception with RevUP attendees

In the panels, we’ll address topics like subscription models, selling business-to-business, educational content licensing, bundling educational offerings, product innovation, and more.

Panelists include:

  • Jack Coursen, Senior Director, Professional Development, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • Erin Pressley, Senior Vice President, Education, Training and Events, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
  • David Upbin, Vice President, Education Operations and Programming, MBA Strategy, Mortgage Bankers Association
  • Megan Moore, Director of Professional Development, Professional Liability Underwriting Society
  • Richard Gordon, Business Solutions & Learning Director, Virginia Society of CPAs
  • Veronica Diaz, Senior Director, Professional Learning and Development, EDUCAUSE

How to Register

Registration for Leading Learning @ RevUP is handled through the RevUP event site. You can go there to learn more about the RevUP Summit or you can just go straight into the registration process.

Once you do start the registration process, you’ll need to use the code Tagoras24 to register for the pre-event AND get the discounted rate for the full RevUP Summit registration. Here’s what that looks like:

RevUP Summit registration types

Once you click “Next,” you’ll have the option to select the pre-event or the pre-event + full RevUP Summit (at a significant discount):

Leading Learning @ RevUP registration options

Many thanks to our sponsor, Authentic Learning Labs!

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